Yin Yoga, Singing Bowl Therapy & Reiki Drumming

When we properly rest - magical things happen!


Join us on Friday 25th October [6.30pm - 8.30pm] back with our friends The Modern Yoga in Gosforth

We invite you to join us for an evening of pure bliss and transformation where you can release tension from your body and mind with yin yoga to hydrate the connective tissue and improve the energy flow through the Chinese meridian system (same system acupuncturists use) whilst sending healing vibrations to every cell in your body using our amazing Nepalese singing bowls. We will finish the session with a wonderful Reiki Drumming shower which will reactivate your body's natural energy system and bring you back to balance physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually hoping to leave you feeling deeply relaxed, rejuvenated and floating home setting you up perfectly for the rest of your weekend and week ahead.

As we will be well into Autumn vibes, we will be tuning into the Metal element whilst working with the Lung and Large Intestine organs and meridian pathways in order to improve energy (chi) stagnation and flow. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory, working with the Lung and Large Intestine meridian pathways in advance and at the beginning autumn season is the most optimal time to start to protect these channels as they are likely to weaken over late autumn and towards winter. When out of balance in the Lung and Large Intestine meridian channels we are likely to experience symptoms such as (but not limited to) lowered immune system, respiratory issues, asthma, acne, skin issues, phlegm/mucus congestion, thirst, constipation, digestive issues, unable to be in present moment, depression, sadness, unable to process grief and let things go… which has the potential to intensify over during the autumn months - so lets gather to rest and rebalance.

You are in safe hands with Natalie (1000+ Hour Advanced Yin Yoga teacher with speciality modules in Chinese Medicine, Acupressure and Qigong) and James who has studied 500+ hours in Sound Healing, Energy and Breathwork. Both have studied with some of the worlds best teachers and have packaged up this transformational session combining all their knowledge and personal experience to date.

Friday 25th October 2024 | 6.30pm - 8.30pm | £27pp

~Limited Spaces~



What to Expect…


Yin Yoga is a slow and soft style of yoga which allows you to stress and nourish the deeper connective tissues such as ligaments, bones and joints which are harder to target in more dynamic (yang) styles of yoga. There will be a specific focus on the meridian pathway and organ health to harmonise your energetic system and to bring balance physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The practice will be accompanied by our Nepalese singing bowls so that the sound and vibrations will enter your body at a cellular level to calm your body and mind and promote healing followed by a reiki drumming shower.


Sound Healing helps the body generate a positive flow of energy and offers vibrations on a cellular level into the body which stimulates the blood vessels, lymph, nerves, veins and muscles to open up blockages and loosening tension in the body, relaxing the body and releasing pain. We will weave in singing bowl therapy and reiki drumming which can be deeply meditative, relaxing and help you to identify with your personal power. This method can also be used to deal with issues from the past that may be stuck and preventing you from moving forward in your life.





You will have the care and attention from a level 3 yin yoga teacher and sound healer/reiki master who will take you on a wonderful healing journey sure to leave you feeling fully refreshed, deeply relaxed and rejuvenated.





Yoga has changed my life. For years I suffered with Adrenal Fatigue and an Autoimmune Disease, that combined with being a workaholic in the corporate world often meant choosing to work 13-hour days and using all my energy up at work that often meant that I had nothing left for me, let alone time for my family or friends. After becoming dependent on steroid injections, western medication and coffee just to get through the day I decided to come back to Yoga and explore a more holistic lifestyle. Rather than continue to book holidays in a desperate attempt to recharge, I started to go on Yoga retreats and train to become a Yoga teacher which soon became a huge turning point in my life because it gave me the space to rest, spend time with like minded people and also learn tools that I needed to make changes in my life. Very quickly I found that a more regular Yoga practice offered me much more than the physical benefits and in fact the actual physical poses were only a small part of ‘doing’ Yoga. As I continued to dig deeper, not only did I become stronger and more mobile in my body but I had reduced pain, raised my energy levels, improved my mental health and my whole perspective significantly changed. I said goodbye to my corporate life and set out on a new path find a solution other than a lifetime on western medication and guess what - I haven't taken western medication for over 7 years and have managed to keep my autoimmune issues at bay (unless I fall into old habits!) Even now with over 1000 study hours with many global master teachers and reading hundreds of books, I continue to search for and experience alternative ways to live at optimal health in this modern world. Going deeper into the layers is my passion, specifically in conjunction with traditional Chinese medicine, organ health, the energetic body and breath work. Sound and Reiki has also been a huge influence in my healing path which is why James (my husband) and I love to work together and create healing and transformational experiences which we can offer on a private basis, group classes, workshops or retreats.





Working in the fire and rescue service was my dream job and after making the difficult decision to leave after 10 years service I lost my way a little. I missed helping other people and felt something was missing. I proceeded to spend another 10 years building up my own renovations and maintenance company and whilst really enjoying meeting new people, the practical side of working with my hands and being creative I still felt I had more to offer. In 2011 I injured my spine in a car accident and the doctors said that I would need to start saving for a £20k operation to remove some of my spine which would manage the pain. The injury was affecting my life and somedays I couldn’t walk – this is where my journey started in looking for alternative ways to heal. I started regular yoga classes and very soon I regained strength, mobility and reduced pain. It was actually in the yoga studio that I saw a leaflet for Reiki and became very curious in how I could tap into my own healing potential. In the back of my mind I knew this was the tool I could use to help myself and others. It has been quite a journey working towards my Reiki master degree and digging deeper into the potentials of Sound Therapy. Collectively it has taken my own healing ability and what I can offer to a whole new level which in fact has recently helped me fight cancer for the 2nd time. Understanding Cancer triggers, how to prevent, slow down, and potentially cure with lifestyle and alternative healing methods has become a big area of interest for me and Natalie - we continue to research, experience and explore ways to help ourselves and others live at optimal health in this modern world.

And guess what… I no longer need the spinal operation!





Friday 25th October | 6.30pm - 8.30pm