* Breath * Ice * Commitment *

Wim Hof Method Fundamentals Workshop in York CitY

at YogaBomb ON SUNDAY 21st JULY 2024


Join us for your Wim Hof Fundamentals workshop on Sunday 21st July 2024 at Yoga Bomb in York.

We have been part of the YogaBomb community for years as a participant and offerer - we just love to be back in York City and slot straight back into this epic energy and community. As Lou (founder and owner) says… Yogabomb is different, it's yoga for normal, busy people who want to get fit, toned, balanced and stretched while taking time out to create headspace and mental calm. We are so excited to offer the Wim Hof Method Fundamentals Workshop here again as we also support ‘normal’ people take control of their health, happiness and strength in an accessible and sustainable way.  

The Wim Hof Method has been proved in science that WE can take control of our autonomic nervous system which is incredible news as it puts YOU in control. Find out how why and how we can tap into our deepest potential, change our lives and become Happier, Healthier and Stronger with this proven method when practiced correctly and consistently.

Whether you are looking to improve mental or physical performance, relieve symptoms related to an illness, gain tools to manage energy, anxiety and stress or are just curious to find out what the Wim Hof Method is all about— a WHM workshop offers something for everyone.

You are in safe hands with James, a certified Level 2 WHM Instructor will be teaching you the 3 pillars of the Wim Hof Method: Breathing Technique, Cold Exposure & Commitment with the support of Natalie who if appropriate will share a qigong practice or yoga, and offer some sound healing to enhance your experience and taking that important photo of you smiling in the Ice bath for you to prove your did it!

Whilst the Wim Hof Mantra is to go with the flow, our schedule typically runs like this

  • 12.00pm - 12.15pm > We will meet at the YogaBomb for Registration and Herbal Tea

  • 12.15pm - 13.30pm > Welcome, Introductions and the Wim Hof Method Story, Breathwork Science and Mechanics

  • 13.30pm - 14.45pm Breathwork Practice, Singing Bowl Therapy, Gong, Snack and Reflection

  • 14.45pm - 15.30pm > Mind Set and Cold Water Science. Approaching the Ice Bath, Questions and GET DRESSED!

  • 15.30pm - 16.30pm > Ice Bath & Warming Up

  • 16.30pm - 17.00pm > Lets gather back to share experiences and celebrate before we close the day

If you have no prior experience with cold exposure, we recommend you finish your showers cold in the days leading up to the workshop. This may be overwhelming at first, but just try to relax, focus on your breath, and bring it into a controlled, steady rhythm.

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is suitable for everyone, but does require a basic level of health. Out of precaution, we advise against participation during pregnancy, or if you are epileptic. People with cardiovascular issues, or any other serious health conditions should always consult a medical professional before starting the Wim Hof Method.

We advise to eat light, if at all, before the workshop. You will be sent a pre-workshop letter to support your preparations and please regard this workshop as gaining tools for life.

Investment €133 (approx £115) to enjoy this super cool workshop event whilst gaining knowledge, experience and skills to build your own daily practice at home and transform your life.

Dates below…

Some recent feedback:

‘ So much gratitude, the WHM Fundamentals was awesome. Very inspiring. We can do ANYTHING’

‘What an amazing experience. One of the best investments I have ever made in myself’

‘ Thank you for the empowerment!’

‘I cannot explain how transformative the day was. Thank you to Jim for guiding me with real care. I feel STRONG, my negative ego SHELVED, i can do ANYTHING i set my mind to’





Breath ~ The first pillar of the Wim Hof Method® is breathing. We’re always breathing, yet we’re mostly unaware of its tremendous potential. Heightened oxygen levels hold a treasure trove of benefits, and the specialised breathing technique of the Wim Hof Method unearths them all: more energy, reduced stress levels, and an augmented immune response that swiftly deals with pathogens.


Ice ~ The cold is your warm friend and one of the three pillars of the Wim Hof Method®. Proper exposure to the cold starts a cascade of health benefits, including the buildup of brown adipose tissue and resultant fat loss, reduced inflammation that facilitates a fortified immune system, balanced hormone levels, improved sleep quality, and the production of endorphins— the feel-good chemicals in the brain that naturally elevate your mood.


Commitment ~ The third pillar of the Wim Hof Method® is the foundation of the other two: both cold exposure and conscious breathing require patience and dedication in order to be fully mastered. Armed with focus and determination you are ready to explore and eventually master your own body and mind.






You will have the care and attention from a LV2 Certified Wim Hof Instructor, Both Natalie and Jim are experienced and trained Sound Healers, James is a Reiki Master and Natalie is a very experienced 800 hours advanced yin yoga teacher with a speciality in Traditional Chinese Medicine who understands the body and mind - you are in good hands!





Ancient Wisdom has changed my life. For years I suffered with Adrenal Fatigue and an Autoimmune Disease, that combined with being a workaholic in the corporate world often meant choosing to work 13-hour days and using all my energy up at work that often meant that I had nothing left for me, let alone time for my family or friends. After becoming dependent on steroid injections, western medication and coffee just to get through the day I decided to come back to Yoga and explore a more holistic lifestyle. Rather than continue to book holidays in a desperate attempt to recharge, I started to go on Healing retreats which inspired me to train to become a Yoga teacher and this soon became a huge turning point in my life because it gave me the space to rest, spend time with like minded people and also learn tools that I needed to make changes in my life. Very quickly I found that a more regular practice offered me much more than the physical benefits and as I continued to dig deeper, not only did I become stronger and more mobile in my body but I had reduced pain, raised energy levels, improved mental health and my whole perspective significantly changed. I said goodbye to my corporate life and set out on a new path find a solution other than a lifetime on western medication and guess what - I haven't taken western medication for over 7 years and have managed to keep my autoimmune issues at bay (unless I fall into old habits!) Even now with over 1000 study hours with many global master teachers and reading hundreds of books, I continue to search for and experience alternative ways to live at optimal health in this modern world. Going deeper into the layers is my passion, specifically in conjunction with traditional Chinese medicine, organ health, the energetic body and breath work. Sound and Reiki has also been a huge influence in my healing path which is why James (my husband) and I love to work together and create healing and transformational experiences which we can offer on a private basis, group classes, workshops or retreats.





Working in the fire and rescue service was my dream job and after making the difficult decision to leave after 10 years service I lost my way a little. I missed helping other people and felt something was missing. I proceeded to spend another 10 years building up my own renovations and maintenance company and whilst really enjoying meeting new people, the practical side of working with my hands and being creative I still felt I had more to offer. In 2011 I injured my spine in a car accident and the doctors said that I would need to start saving for a £20k operation to remove some of my spine which would manage the pain. The injury was affecting my life and somedays I couldn’t walk – this is where my journey started in looking for alternative ways to heal. I started regular yoga classes and very soon I regained strength, mobility and reduced pain. It was actually in the yoga studio that I saw a leaflet for Reiki and became very curious in how I could tap into my own healing potential. In the back of my mind I knew this was the tool I could use to help myself and others. It has been quite a journey working towards my Reiki master degree and digging deeper into the potentials of Sound Therapy. My journey continued to the Wim Hof Method and after very quickly seeing the huge shift in my mental health and physical strength especially through my cancer recovery in 2020, I knew I had to become a certified Wim Hof Instructor and take this method out to help people gain tools to put YOU in control and therefore Rise and Thrive. We continue to research, experience and explore ways to help ourselves and others live at optimal health in this modern world.

And guess what… I no longer need the spinal operation!




Sunday 21st July 2024 | 12.00pm - 17.00pm | approx £115 investment (€133)

Don’t forget to check out the longer Wim Hof Events or Retreats! You can also join our Breath work only sessions (dates TBC)